Cast on 14 sts.
Row 1: K4, pm, k2, pm, k2, pm, k2, pm k4.
Row 2: K4, purl to last 4 sts, K4 (keeping markers in place).
Row 3: (Increase Row) K4, sm, yo, knit to marker, yo, k2, sm,yo, knit to next marker, yo, sm, k4.
Row 4: K4, purl to last 4 sts, k4.
Back: Cast on with waste yarn and work in entrelac pattern as described below.
With size 10 needles and waste yarn, CO 40 (48, 56, 64) sts. Knit 1 row. Change to working yarn and purl 1 row.
Second Tier of Blocks: change to size 7 needles. Remain on size 7 needles until the Top Triangles.
Cast on 72 sts, placing 24 sts onto 3 double points.