With smaller needles, CO 156, (168, 180) sts. Work 2 rows of 3X3 ribbing.
Next row: Beg working in Fancy Ribbing until total length is 4½, (5, 5½)” from CO edge, end having worked a RS Row. Change to larger needles and p 1 row, dec 17, (13, 9) sts evenly across the row.
139, (155, 171) sts on needle.
Right Front
With smaller needles, CO 98, (104, 116) sts.
Row 1 (RS): K2, *(K3, P3), repeat from *.
Row 2: K the k, and p the p.
Rib Setup
Row 1 (RS): K2, work 3x3 ribbing over 18 sts, pm, work in Fancy Ribbing to end.
Row 2 (WS): Work in Fancy Ribbing to m, sl m, work 3x3 ribbing to last 2 sts, p2.
When ribbing measures 4½, (5, 5½)” from CO edge, end having worked a RS Row.
Change to larger needles.
(WS): P 1 row, dec 5, (3, 7) sts evenly across the Fancy Ribbing section--keep the buttonhole band as established. Do not dec any sts along this section.
93, (101, 109) sts on needle—2 + 18 sts for button hole plus 73 (81, 89) sts in Fancy Ribbing.
At the beg of the next row, make a set of buttonholes in the 18 sts as follows:
Buttonhole Row (RS): K6, BO 2 sts, rib 6, BO 2 sts, rib 4, work in Lace Stitch for rest of row.