Sleeves and Yoke:
Row 2: CH 2, 3, (3, 3, 4, 4) DCs, CH 3 skip 3 DCs, *10, (11, 12, 13, 14) DCs, CH 3, skip 3 DCs. Repeat from * to the last 4, (4, 4, 5, 5) sts, 4, (4, 4, 5, 5) DCs.
From this point you will be working down the right sleeve until it is the same length as the left sleeve. (Count the CH 3 spaces!) Work 1 row of SC and fasten off.
Fold completed sleeves and yoke in half and place a pin to denote the center of the yoke. Measure
down 9”, (10, 11, 12, 13) from the center pin on
either side and mark with pins. With right side facing and beginning at the first pin CH 1 and work 82 (91, 98, 107, 118) SCs evenly spaced to the last pin. The easiest way to do this is to put another pin on each side between the center pin and the end pins. 1/4 of the SCs will be worked in each section. Turn
Repeat row 2 for the pattern. To allow for a slight flare in the skirt, add width as follows:
Note that there are 4 CH 3 spaces, 2 CH 4 spaces and 4 CH 3 spaces.
After 10 rows, change to 3 CH 3 spaces, 4 Ch 4 spaces and 3 CH 3 spaces.
After 20 rows, change to 2 CH 3 spaces, 6 CH 4 spaces and 2 CH 3 spaces.
After 30 rows, change to 1 CH 3 space, 8 CH 4 spaces, 1 CH 3 space.
After 40 rows, change to all CH 4 spaces.
When skirt measures 21”, (22, 23, 24, 25) or desired length, Fasten off. Work the back in the same manner as the front. Sew sleeve and side seams.