Toybox Confetti:
1, (2, 2)—100g balls, color 89 Green Multi
Shape Armholes (RS):
Double Dec Row: K2, sl m, work next row of cable pattern 1, sl m, sssk, k to 3 sts before m, k3tog, sl m, work next row of cable pattern 2, sl m, k2—4 sts dec’d. 48, (52, 58) sts.
Next Row (WS): K the k and p the p, sl m as you get to them.
Normal Dec Row (RS): K2, sl m, work next row of cable pattern 1, sl m, ssk, k to 2 sts before m, k2tog, sl m, work next row of cable pattern 2, sl m, k2—2 sts dec’d. 46, (50, 56) sts.
Rep these last 2 rows 12, (14, 17) times more—(30, 34, 40) sts dec’d. 22 sts rem.
Work same as for back. At the same time when 20, (22, 24) rows from armhole shaping have been completed (30, (32, 36) sts on needle), work next RS Row of as follows:
Shape Neck (RS): Work to center 8 sts, place those sts onto a holder, attach another strand yarn, work to end of row. (8 sts removed for the center neck plus 2 sts dec’d for the armhole shaping- 1 on each side).
10, (11, 13) sts rem for each shoulder.
You will now be working both sides at once. Dec 1 stitch at neck edge on every other row as established while continuing the armhole decreases every other row as established until 4 (3, 3) sts rem. Then, work the last couple rows as follows:
For small size only: work:
Dec Row 1 (RS): K1, k3tog for left front,
sssk, k1 for right front. (2 sts rem for each front).
For other 2 sizes : work:
Dec Row 1 (RS): K1, k2tog for left front, ssk, k1 for right front. (2 sts rem for each front).
Purl one row across both fronts for all sizes.
Shape Armhole/Cap (RS):
Double Dec Row: K2, sssk, k to last 5 sts, k3tog, k2—4 sts dec’d. 40, (44, 46) sts.