Chevron Stitch: (work over 26 sts for gauge measurement #’s in parentheses correspond with the larger sizes)
Row 1: WS Purl
Row 2: RS *Raised Increase into 1 st, K10 (13, 15, 17) sts, ssk, k2tog, K10(13, 15, 17) sts, Raised Increase into 1 st.; rep from *.
Repeat rows 1 & 2 for pattern.
With larger needles, cast on 106(130, 146, 162)sts. Knit 3 rows Garter Stitch. Starting with WS row, set up row as follows: Edge st, follow Chevron Stitch working correct # of sts per chosen size-ending with Edge st. Edge Sts will be worked at beg and end of every row by knitting the stitch.
Work even until side seams measures 14(15.25, 16, 16.5)” or desired length to underarm. End on a WS row.
Shape Armholes:
Next row Bind off 4 sts. Edge sts, work Raised Inc into next st, K6 (9, 11, 13) sts, ssk, k2tog, K10 (13, 15, 17) sts, Raised Inc. Continue across row end with edge st.
Remember to stay in pattern using the Designer Note.
Next WS row, bind off 4 sts. Purl across.
Next row Bind off 3 sts. Work Raised Inc into next st, K3 (6, 8, 10) sts, ssk, k2tog, K10 (13, 15, 17), keeping in pattern, ending with K6(9, 11, 13) sts, Raised Inc.
Shape Right Neckline and Shoulder:
Work in pattern across 21(33, 39, 47) sts. Bind off center 36 sts. Finish row. Work on Right Shoulder only. Purl across row. At this point, cease the Chevron Stitch to avoid peaks at the bind off edge.
And continue in st st for 1” ending with WS row.
On the next WS row, bind off 10(16, 21, 25)sts, finish row. Work one RS row. Turn and bind off remaining 11(17, 18, 22)sts.