Needles: US Size 6 needle
Cast on 134(146, 158) sts and work 7 rows of BSR pattern. Next work body as follows.
Row 1: K54 (60, 66) BSR 26 in pattern as established, knit to end of row.
Row 2: P54 (60, 66) BSR 26, purl to end of row.
Repeat these 2 rows for pattern. Decrease 1 st on each edge on the 5th row and every following 8th row until you have 106(116, 128) sts.
Work even for 22(21, 22)” from the beginning. End on WS row.
Shape Armhole:
Bind off 5(7,9) sts at beginning of next 2 rows. On the next RS row work 14 sts of BSR (starting with whatever row you are on in the center BSR established pattern). Sl 1, k1, psso and work in pattern to last 16 sts. K2tog and work in BSR pattern to end of row. Continue in this manner working BSR at the beginning, center panel and end of each row and decreasing 1 st at each end just inside the 14 sts in BSR every other row 6(6, 7) more times. Then work even in pattern as established until armhole measures 8(9, 10)”.
Bind off 13(14, 15) sts at beginning of the next 4 rows. Bind off remaining 30(32, 34) sts.
Left Front
Cast on 68(74, 80) sts and work 7 rows BSR.
Row 1: K54 (60, 66) sts, BSR on 14 sts starting with row 4.
Row 2: BSR on 14 sts, p54 (60, 66).
Repeat these 2 rows for pattern. Decrease 1 st at the beginning of the 5th and every 8th row until there are 54(59, 64) sts. When work measures 22(21, 20)” from cast on end on a WS row.