NOTE: this garment is oversized with some waist shaping. Directions are for smallest size with larger sized in parentheses.
Swag Stitch: (multiples of 5+2)
Row 1 and all WS rows: Purl
Row 2: Knit
Row 4 and 6: P2, *sl 3 wyif, p2; rep from *.
Repeat rows 1-6.
Cast on 90, (100, 108, 116) stitches.
Beg with a P row, work in Rev St. St. Work 4 rows. Change to St. St. After 4 inches have been worked, dec 1 st ea edge every 8th row 4 times. 82 (92, 100, 108) st remaining.
Continue in pattern until piece measures 8.5 (9, 9.5, 10.5) “. Inc 1 st ea edge every 8th row 4 times. 90 (100, 108, 116) stitches.
Cont in pattern until piece measures 15.5(16, 16.5, 17)”.
Shape Armholes:
Starting with a RS row, bind off 5 (6, 7, 9) sts at beg of next 2 rows.
On the next RS row dec 1 st. at beg and end of row. Repeat this RS row dec 4 more times.
70 (78, 84, 88) sts. remain.
Cont in st. st. until armhole measures 8(8.5, 9, 10) inches.
Bind off all stitches.
Cast on 30 (34, 38, 44) sts. Beginning with a P row, work in Rev St. St. Work 4 rows. Change to St. St. When work measures 4” beg dec to shape waistline as follows:
On RS row, dec 1 st at beginning of every 8th row 4 times. 26 (30, 34, 40) sts rem.
Continue until piece measures 8.5 (9, 9.5, 10.5) inches from beg. End with WS row.
On RS row, inc 1 st at beginning of every 8th row 4 times 30 (34, 38, 44) sts.
Work until piece measures 12.5 (13, 13.5, 14.5) inches. Place marker.
Shape Neckline:
With WS row, Dec 1 st every WS row 6 times. 24 (28, 32, 38) sts rem. Work until piece measures same as back to armhole 15.5 (16, 16.5, 17) inches. (Note: Neckline Shaping continues during the Armhole Shaping).
Shape Armhole:
At beginning of next RS row, bind off 5 (6, 7, 9) sts. On the next RS row dec 1 st. at beg of row. Repeat this RS row dec 4 more times. 14(18, 21, 25) st. rem.
AT THE SAME TIME: Continue shaping Neckline as follows:
Dec 1 st. at neck edge 2(2, 3, 4) times. 13(15, 18, 21) sts. Rem.
Now dec 1st at neck edge every 4th row 5 (5, 6,7) times. 7(10, 11, 13) sts. When piece measures same as back, bind off.
Cast on 30(34, 38, 44) sts. Beg with a P row, work in Rev St. St. Work 4 rows. Change to St. St. When work measures 4” beg dec to shape waistline as follows:
On WS row, dec 1 st at beginning of every 8th row 4 times. 26(30, 34, 40) sts rem.
Continue until piece measures 8.5(9, 9.5, 10.5) inches from beginning. End with RS row.
On WS row, inc 1 st at beginning of every 8th row 4 times 35(41, 47, 54) sts.
Work until piece measures 12.5(13, 13.5, 14.5) inches. Place marker.
Shape Neckline:
With RS row, dec 1 st at neck edge ev RS row 6 times. 24(28, 32, 38) sts rem. Work until piece measures same as back to armhole 15.5(16, 16.5, 17) inches. (Note: Neckline Shaping continues during the Armhole Shaping).
Shape Armhole:
At beg of next WS row, bind off 5(6, 7, 9) sts. On the next WS row dec 1 st. at beg of row. Repeat this WS row dec 4 more times. 15(18, 21, 29) sts remaining.
AT THE SAME TIME: Continue shaping Neckline as follows:
Dec 1 st. at neck edge 2(3, 3, 4) times. 13(15, 18, 21) sts remaining.
Now dec 1st at neck edge every 4th row 5 (5, 6, 7) times. 8(10, 12, 14) st remaining. When piece measures same as back and left front, bind off.
SLEEVES (Make Two)
Cast on 57 (62, 62, 62) sts. Beginning with a P row work in Rev st st for 4 rows. Change to Swag Stitch pattern starting with Row 2. When piece measures 4” change to st st and begin increases as follows:
Inc 1 st ea edge every 4th row 8(8, 10, 12) times.
73 (78, 82, 86) sts.
Continue in st. st. until piece measures 16(16.5, 17, 18)”. End with a WS row.
Shape Cap:
Bind off 5(6, 7, 9) sts at beginning of next 2 rows. 63(66, 68, 70) sts.
Dec 1 st ea edge of next 4 rows. 55(58, 60, 60) sts. Then dec 1st ea edge on every RS rows 9(10, 11, 11) times to 37(38, 38, 38) sts
Then dec 1 st at beginning and end of the next 7 rows to 23(24, 24, 24) stitches
Bind off 6 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. Then bind off rem 11(12, 12, 12) sts.
Join shoulder seams.
Join Shoulder Seams. With smallest needles, pick up and knit 64 (67, 69, 71) sts to neckline stitch marker, then 55(56, 55, 57) sts to shoulder seam, another 65(66, 69, 71) across back neckline, 55(56, 55, 57) down neckline to stitch marker, and 63(67, 69, 71) to end. This should be 302(312, 317, 327) sts. Starting with Row 1 of Swag Stitch work in pattern until collar measures 6(6.5, 7.5, 7.5) inches, or desired width of border. Work 4 rows of Rev St St. Bind off loosely as if to Purl.
Block pieces.
Join side seams.
Inset sleeves to meet up with armhole shaping on the body of the sweater. Sew underarm seams.
Weave in all ends.
©2012 Plymouth Yarn Company. 050913cab