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Trabajos del Peru
Correction for Pattern # (Pattern Errata Only): 
Changed (Pattern Errata Only): 
Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 11:30

Begin at the neck edge with 24" circular #10, casting on 38 (40, 42, 44) sts. Work coat back and forth slipping markers as you come to them as follows:.
Row 1(WS): P2 (right front), place marker (PM), P9 (9, 9, 8)(sleeve), PM, P 16 (18, 20, 22) (back), PM, P9 (9, 9, 8)(sleeve), PM, P2 (left front).
Row 2: Knit, inc 1 st before and after each marker, (8 sts increased).
*incs are made by knitting into the front and back of the st
Row 3: Purl
Rep rows 2 and 3 until there are 24 (26, 28, 30) sts in the back section, ending with a WS row and casting on 5 sts at the end of this last row.
Next row(RS):  Work across the first 5 sts in seed st, continue across row, increasing at markers as before, and casting on 5 sts at the end of the row.  From this point on, work the first 5 sts and the last 5 sts in seed st for front borders.
Continue to inc 1 st before and after each marker on knit rows. Purl across all wrong side rows. Continue working incs until there are 60 (62, 70, 78) sts between back markers. You will have 224 (226, 252, 278) sts on the needle.
Divide for sleeves: **
Work across front and back sts, including borders, but placing sleeve sts on holding thread to be worked after body is completed: 53 (53, 59, 65) sleeve sts. 118 (120, 134, 148) sts on needle
Keeping border sts in seed st, inc 6 sts evenly spaced across next row and every following 6th row 4 times total, then every 8th row 3 times total. (42 sts increased)
Continue until work measures 18 (18.5, 19, 19.5)”.
You will have approximately 160 (162, 176, 190) sts.
Work 4 rows of seed st. Bind off loosely.

** When working body increases in order to achieve balanced swing effect increases are worked by using invisible inc technique, i.e. Lift the back of the st below st to be increased. Increases are started and ended in the following manner- start inc 9 (10, 11, 12) sts in from the front border and
before the last 9 (10, 11, 12) sts before the last border.
Inc for size small were made as follows:
row                             sts
6          7th, 22nd, 37th, 52nd, 67th, 75th
12        8th, 23rd, 38th, 53rd, 68th, 76th
18        9th, 24th, 39th, 54th, 69th, 77th
24        10th, 25th, 40th, 55th, 70th, 78th
32        11th, 26th, 41st, 56th, 71st, 79th
40        12th, 27th, 42nd, 57th, 72nd, 80th
48        13th, 28th, 43rd, 58th, 73rd, 81st

Pattern Type(s): 